Friday 22 April 2011

Mably Way Speed Limit Implemented!

Well it is here at last - the speed limit at Mably Way has been lowered from 40mph to 30mph as from Monday 18th April!  This was advertised in the Oxford Times last week.  Residents will recall that we presented a petition with 1,938 of your signatures to the Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet member responsible for transport on 2nd October 2009 as reported here - it has taken this long after consultation to actually implement the limit. The 40mph signs have been taken down and there is supposed to be some temporary new signage coming soon to announce the change in speed limit or motorists will not be aware of the difference.  However, this goes to show that the petition from the Health Centre (started in May 2009) and the wishes of local residents has finally prevailed!

1 comment:

  1. Whilst I welcome a lower speed limit on this road I'm unsure whether it will help. My experience of some of the drivers on this road is that they exceed the 40mph limit. Are they not also likely to exceed the limit if it's 30?

    Is there any possibility of putting in a mini-soundabout at the health centre? This would force motorists to slow down as they approach the Health Centre from the Denchworth Road end and have the added bonus of assisting motorists attempting to turn right out of the Health Centre Car park.


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