Sunday 14 April 2013

The Continuing Pothole Saga

Amazing! The two deep potholes on the sharp bend of Newlands Drive in Grove were, at long last, finally repaired sometime last week! Readers will be aware of this continuing saga from my previous posts here, here and here. This means that it has taken almost 7 weeks for the repairs since they were reported! There can be no real excuse for this delay as the potholes were both deep and in a particularly dangerous position causing cars to have to swerve on a sharp bend.

Meanwhile, the potholes further down by the zebra crossing near to the Bay Tree pub still go unrepaired, despite being highlighted with red paint for some time. The repair team probably had to drive over these very potholes on their way to repair the ones further up the road. I first reported it on 25 March - almost 3 weeks ago.  I chased this up yet again this week to find out what was happening, but unfortunately received no reply.   Again, being close to a crossing, these potholes are also in what I would regard as a particularly dangerous position. 

The whole of the local community is fed up with the pothole situation in the Wantage and Grove area and across the whole of Oxfordshire. It is not the reporting system that is the problem, it is the lack of efficient and timely repairs. 
Please sign our pothole petition at: 

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