Wednesday 26 October 2011

Oxford Lane Closure

Oxford Lane was closed on Monday for gas works as reported previously.  However, I am pleased that buses are allowed to access the route after I had to intervene at the County Council.  Originally, buses were going to bypass Grove altogether, rather than take the long route round the road system. Shuttle buses from Grove to Wantage were another possible solution. The sticking point was the cost, which could have ended up at £10,000.  So, after speaking to Southern Gas Networks and officers at the County Council, it was decided to allow the buses access during the works and thus avoid this problem.  I am sure that residents are grateful that there has been little disruption to the regular services.  Meanwhile, the diversion route seems to be going to plan at the moment, though obviously it is fairly quiet this week as it is half term holiday for the schools. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for ensuring the buses keep running through Grove. Yesterday my daughter went to meet a friend at Didcot Parkway - she got the X36 bus from Wantage and, according to the timetable she should have been able to get the 36 bus to return to Grove 30 minutes after her friends' train arrived. However, the timetable was totally wrong and she ended up waiting almost an hour (in the rain) and when a bus did finally turn up she wasn't able to use her return ticket as it was a different bus company. Any chance you could work your magic with the bus companies to update their timetables on line, and make things clearer to understand. I use the web a lot and know my way around timetables, but the RH buses timetable is confusing to say the least :(


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