Thursday 16 July 2009

Difficult Times Ahead

There has been a lot in the press about the forthcoming job losses which are being predicted by the County Council in the light of the economic recession. The budget is tight, the likelihood of a poor settlement in the forthcoming CSR (Comprehensive Spending Review) is looming large and the ruling group are planning a low council tax of 2.5%.

The alarm amongst staff has been regarding the announcement of the cuts which only came about during a TV interview about 2 weeks ago - not a good way of handling the situation. It was also put up on the council's website hidden amongst other stories the same day. There needs to be a round table discussion of all parties to try to resolve the situation and we have called for an early meeting of the Employees Joint Consultative Committee which comprises staff, union representatives, councillors and management. We have now heard that this has been agreed in August.

Our staff are key in delivering frontline services, whether it is supporting our children, older people or mending our roads. We also need to cut down the wastage at County Hall in creating unnecessary posts and printing glossy publications. Perhaps the time has come where there will have to be a change of direction - but we need to bring the staff with us, not alienate them. I hope the situation can be resolved.


  1. Keith R Mitchell CBE6 August 2009 at 15:35

    Complete drivel. Staff and elected members were advised before media coverage. Staff have subsequently been briefed thoroughly and understand that, with a near bankrupt national economy, this is inevitable and will impact on all public services. It is clear the vast majority of the public recognise and welcome what the Administration is doing.

  2. Not drivel Keith, but fact. The news was published on the County website on 2nd July (this can be checked online). Councillors and staff received an email at 3.45pm that same afternoon telling us about it. You and I were both talking about it on the Bill Heine programme on that same evening. The programme started at 4pm. You were on BBC South Today, the same evening. Many staff did not pick up their emails until the next day AFTER you had been on radio and TV. Sorry but that does not mean being advised 'before media coverage' to me. Giving everyone 15 minutes to react basically!
    Glad you found time to read and comment on my blog. Its a great pity that no one is allowed to comment on your "blog" which is hosted by the County Council - hardly a good communication channel.


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