Thursday 23 April 2009

St. George's Day

Today I attended a Citizenship Ceremony at the Town Hall in Oxford which was conducted by the Oxfordshire County Council's Registration Service. Ceremonies take place each Thursday, but today was a special occasion because not only was it St. George's Day, but we welcomed the 5000th person to become a British citizen in Oxfordshire.

The decision to implement 20 mph speed limits in Oxford also took place today at County Hall, it will be interesting to see how this will be enforced. Oxford is the second city after Portsmouth to bring in such measures.

Finally, I ended up at Wantage and Grove Traffic Advisory Committee where we looked at many local issues which need attention. We had the discussion regarding the speed limit reduction at Mably Way, and it looks like we are going to have to wait for the countywide review of all speed limits. So not a quick decision on this one. Let us hope there will be no more accidents in the meantime.

1 comment:

  1. What!! The speed limit down Mably Way is ignored at the minute, reduction from 40 to 30 whilst welcomed will not solve the issue.

    Put a roundabout in at Mably Grove to a) calm the traffic but also b) to let the residents out in the rush hour.

    Nothing is ever done in a hurry! Seriously, what is wrong with these people. Does nobody want to be held accountable anymore. Stand up for us!!!!!!


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